water baptism
speaking in tongues
the holy spirit
what must I do?

"Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His" (Romans 8:9)


The Bible records in detail the experience which completely changed the lives of those who accepted the gospel preached by the disciples of Christ. Men from very humble backgrounds began to preach boldly and effectively concerning the resurrection of Christ, and miracles of healing appeared in their ministry. In effect they continued the ministry which Jesus Himself began, in order to relieve the suffering of mankind.

The experience which wrought this change was called the baptism or infilling with the Holy Spirit. This 'fire from heaven' empowered the early Church, and Jesus promised it to all (John 7:37-39). This was Salvation! The living water of Salvation! Yet in this modern age when whole nations are nominally 'Christian' and there are 'churches' on every other street corner we hear practically nothing of the work of the Holy Spirit, and we witness a corresponding absence of any demonstration of God's power.


Over many centuries the nation of Israel was unable to keep God's law or realise the spirit of it. When Jesus was crucified many of His disciples apparently deserted Him. After the resurrection they could not recommence working the miracles they had worked during His natural life. The indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit then becomes the source of God's power for service as in Bible days. Through the Spirit we actually experience the person of Jesus Christ (Read Ephesians 3:16-19 & John 16:13-14).

In fact our Lord made it quite clear that to receive both Him and the Father one must receive the Holy Spirit (John 13:20, 14:23).


We do not receive the Holy Spirit in stages or over extended periods of time, as some would have us believe. We either have or have not received the Holy Spirit (See Acts 19:1-6). We do not necessarily receive the Holy Spirit when we believe on Christ (See Ephesians 1:13 & Acts 19). Nor do we necessarily receive the Holy Spirit when we are baptised (See Acts 8:16). This is a completely separate experience for those seeking salvation (Acts 2:38).

What the New Testament does record is that when people received the Holy Spirit they began at the same moment to speak in new languages. On one occasion, the words were identified by foreigners as being words of praise to God (Acts 2:8, 10:46). Peter and the Apostles saw this amazing sign as proof that people had received the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:33, 10:45-47). This was the sign to unbelievers (I Corinthians 14:22).

This God-given ability stands today as the only Bible evidence that the Spirit of God has entered into a man or woman. Although many have testified to other experiences it is only when the earnest seeker speaks in tongues that we can say with scriptural authority that he has received the Holy Spirit. From that point he is called to walk in the spirit and bring forth the fruits of his experience.

The apostate 'Churches' have opposed this wonderful salvation experience for centuries. Cold powerless tradition has replaced the personal presence of the Lord.

All over the world men and women are being filled with the Holy Spirit with the Bible evidence of speaking in a new language. Jesus said "these signs shall follow them that believe ... they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17 KJV).


Firstly, repentance is required.

Secondly, be baptised by full immersion in water.

Thirdly, ask and expect to receive the Holy Spirit. You will speak in tongues. You will be born again.

There are absolutely no other requirements, save these, which are born of simple faith (Luke 11:11-13). We don't have to attain to some standard of goodness or obey written laws (Galatians 3:2). Nor do we need a course of religious instruction. God is limited only by the degree of trust we have in Him. We must understand that this is the way we commence our walk as a Bible believer - it is not a reward for previous service or faith.


Jesus said: "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." (John 3:5 KJV). The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not an "optional extra" in the Word of God. Rather it is God's seal or pledge that we are saved (Ephesians 1:13-14).

It is the condition of admittance into the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:13). If we let Him, the Spirit keeps us saved (II Thessalonians 2:13). The Bible therefore offers no assurance for those who choose to remain outside this freely-offered experience. We pray that these words will bring this vital experience of Christ into the lives of all who read them, for you too can prove them true.

We are also warned that "no other Gospel" is to be preached (Galatians 1:8). To preach less than the Holy Spirit Baptism for salvation is disaster.



Matthew 3:11 The Holy Spirit Promised

Mark 16:15-20 Signs of Power

John 3:3-8 Born of the Spirit

John 7:37-39 Rivers of Life

John 14:16-26 The Comforter

John 16:13 To lead into Truth

Acts 1:4-8 Promise of power

Acts 2:1-18 The first outpouring

Acts 8:12-19 Samaria

Acts 10:44-48 House of Cornelius

Acts 11:15 Peter's testimony

Acts 19:1-6 At Ephesus

Ephesians 4:30 The seal of God

Hebrews 2:3-4 God's Warning.

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